
How to Submit?

All submissions should be:

  • Written in English.

  • Make strict use of the guidelines accessible.

Once prepared according to these requirements, all submissions should be:

  • Entered via the Springer OCS Conference Management System, located here:

  • Entered WITHOUT the author names and affiliations and should NOT refer to prior work, as the review process will be double-blind.

For a symposium, please:

  1. Submit one document for the symposium that includes:

    • An outline of the symposium theme;

    • The list of participants that are involved;

    • A one-page abstract of each paper together with names and affiliations of the authors;

  2. Ensure all the contents of this document are formatted using the conference style;

Authors interested in being involved in the symposia that are already publicised on the conference site should contact the symposium chair.Submissions will only be included in the review process if they are properly formatted according to the provided style guidelines.

Information to help prepare the double-blind manuscript

Besides the obvious need to remove names and affiliations under the title, and authors’ biographies within the manuscript, there are other steps that need to be taken to ensure the manuscript is correctly prepared for double-blind peer review:

  • Use the third person to refer to work the authors have previously undertaken, e.g. replace any phrases like “as we have shown before” with “… has been shown before [XXXXX, 2007]”.

  • Make sure figures do not contain any affiliation related identifier.

  • Cite papers published by the author in the text as follows: ‘[XXXXX, 2007]’.

  • Name your files with care and ensure document properties are also anonymised.

Review process and publication

To ensure selection of high quality contributions, full and short paper submissions are reviewed by at least three reviewers. Criteria for the review process of these papers are:

  1. Presentation: This criterion is used to evaluate how well organised and formulated the paper is. It thus addresses both the general paper structure and language use, but also the “logical flow” between sections.

  2. Originality: Here reviewers grade the paper on how original (new) the presented idea or work is. Thus, this criterion measures the “novelty” of the contribution.

  3. Soundness: Is the paper technically sound, that is, does it include evidence for all statements or conclusions that it makes? Does it appropriately build on and acknowledge previous work in the area? Thus, this criterion measures the “state of the art”.

  4. Contribution: Does the idea or work presented in the paper show potential to contribute to the conference?

The criteria for all other forms of submission are:

  1. Presentation: This criterion is used to evaluate how well organised and formulated the paper is. It thus addresses both the general paper structure and language use, but also the “logical flow” between sections.

  2. Contribution: Does the idea or work presented in the paper show potential to contribute to the conference?

  3. Potential influence: This criterion measures the potential influence of the contribution in the field of praxis and the related analysis of state of the art in this area.

All submissions will be considered thoroughly and constructive feedback will be provided. Accepted submissions will be published as described in the Call for Papers.

At least one author must register and present accepted submissions in order for the submission to be included in the conference proceedings. Accepted submissions will be published online as conference proceedings.

As described in the Call for Papers, a selected collection of full, short and symposia papers will be published as a post-conference book in the Springer IFIP AICT series. Where reviewers indicate to the author(s) that the contribution can be published in the post-conference book, the author(s) will have the opportunity to revise the paper post-conference. Details of submission deadlines will be provided by the lead editor at a later time.

A range of high quality papers may be selected for inclusion in a special issue of a journal (Education and Information Technologies). In this case the author(s) can decide whether the paper will go into the post-conference book (as it stands) and into the special issue (as an amended paper), or only into the special issue (as it stands). If the author(s) choose to submit amended papers to be included in the special issue of the journal (in addition to the original paper being included in the post-conference book), the original paper will require amendments that must include a different title, and at least 30% different material.


For questions regarding submissions, please contact the lead editor, Torsten Brinda.